
Monday, March 25, 2013

I'm going to participate in the A to Z blogging challenge.  It sounds like fun and I thought it might be a way to really get me in the habit of blogging on a more regular schedule.  They have categories this year, so I chose crafts.  So every day in April, except Sundays, I have to write a blog post about something to do with crafting and featuring the letter of the day.  Kind of like Sesame Street for bloggers, LOL. 

I'm looking forward to it but I may do a little pre-homework by brainstorming ideas for each letter.  Hope you join in the fun by reading along and if you click the link above you can sign up to do it yourself.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

FREE Peacock Feather Pattern - It's Finally Here!

 You've seen them on Pinterest and tried to Google the pattern, but there was none.  So I sat down the other day and figured out the pattern for crochet  peacock feathers.  I'm so excited to be able to share it with the world.